Privacy policy

At Dreamnex UK Ltd, respecting your privacy is important to us. Dreamnex UK Ltd is committed to ensuring your privacy, in accordance with the provisions of England law regarding the protection of privacy when processing personal information.

When the user visits or signs up for the Dreamnex UK Ltd Website, the user sends Dreamnex UK Ltd personal information that can refer to, but not be limited to:

  • - information regarding the visitor's identity: name, address, and other contact information such as telephone number, email address, user name, password, and IP address
  • - financial information such as information regarding credit cards
  • - communications data
  1. Data processing goals

    By submitting their personal information, the Website user thereby grants explicit permission to process said personal information for the following purposes:

    • - facilitating the use of webcam services provided by third parties
    • - offering you payment options for the use of said webcam services
    • - sending you information bulletins, SMS
    • - automatically generating user profiles
    • - optimizing management of the Website and the services offered
  2. Direct marketing

    We may also use said data for direct marketing purposes. You have the right to contest said use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes, by sending an email to the address listed below.

  3. Reporting problems

    We also collect personal information when you send us an email to report a problem. By doing this, you thereby expressly and unambiguously authorize the processing of said personal information by us. We use the information collected this way only to solve the problem reported or to send you a response.

  4. Information bulletin

    When you sign up, you may receive information on webcams, new features, offers, and services by email. These emails will be sent by Dreamnex UK Ltd, Carlyle House, Lower Ground Floor, 235-237, Vauxhall Bridge Road, SW1V 1EJ London, England - Telephone No.: +35227862029 – If you do not wish to receive this information, go to the "My Account" section, visible at the bottom of every page.

  5. Data protection and security measures

    We take into account appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information against occasional or unauthorized destruction, accidental loss, changes or access in order to ensure that the personal data of the Website user will not be damaged, destroyed or exposed to third parties and in order to prevent unauthorized access by third parties.

  6. Saving communications information

    If you choose to use the chat room or other interactive communications options, you thereby accept this information being stored. Dreamnex UK Ltd will save said information based on need in order to resolve disputes, provide assistance, and research problems as the law allows. Dreamnex UK Ltd will not share this information with third parties except in response to a verified request by law enforcement or other government officials in the context of a criminal investigation or suspected illicit activity.

  7. Third parties

    We will never not sell or transfer said information to third parties. The information you provide us can be transferred to Dreamnex UK Ltd partners in order to offer you webcam services.

  8. Cookies

    When you visit our Website, information may be saved by us on your computer in the form of a cookie. This cookie lets us improve the quality of our services and make your next visit to our site as easy as possible. Most web browsers let you delete said cookies from your hard drive, block them, or be informed of their presence. For more information regarding these functions, please read the instructions on your browser's information screen.

  9. Access right

    You always have the right to view your personal information and have it modified free of charge when it is no longer up to date. The simplest way is to send a written request to

  10. Additional Information

    If you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact us by email to or by writing to Dreamnex UK Ltd - Carlyle House, Lower Ground Floor, 235-237, Vauxhall Bridge Road, SW1V 1EJ London, England.

    These privacy protection rules were last modified on 01/02/2024. Dreamnex UK Ltd reserves the right to modify these regulations regarding privacy protection at any time, pursuant to all applicable laws and regulations.

    For further information please visit the following url:

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